Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

Lines & Precepts

Isaiah 28: 9-10

Understanding The Word “Spirit” in the Bible

There are several “spirits” in the pages of the Bible. When we run across this word we must be able to define it at each instance. Once a person begins to understand the different types of spirits, and how the word spirit is used, all the guessing games will be alleviated. By properly dividing the scriptures, we will cut down on all of the confusion of an individual’s creative ability. In other words, read the scripture and allow the book to explain itself. Many people today think when the word spirit is used in the pages of the bible it either has no substantial existence, or some imagined form of shapeless apparition. When spirit is used does it represent a phantom only?

Or does it portray other things? Let us watch the following lessons and take a look at this word in the pages of the Bible and see what the scriptures have to say about this. Let’s take a close look at this word and see if we can gain an understanding as to how it’s used in the scriptures:

Many Spirit Beings and Spirit Things

Teacher: Brother Elijah 
Church: Israel, The Church of Jesus

Lesson Notes: Many Spirit Beings and Spirit Things

Understanding the Word “Spirit” In the Bible

Teacher: Brother Elisha
Church: The HouseHold of Faith

The Spirit of God In Its Many Forms: Parts 1-2

Teacher: Brother Buie
Church: The Israel of God

Lesson Notes:

The Spirit of God: Part 1

The Spirit of God: Part 2

The Spirit of God In Its Many Forms: Parts 3-4

Teacher: Brother Buie
Church: The Israel of God

Lesson NotesSpirit of God: Parts 3-4

More Text Lessons: 

Portrayal of The Word Spirit In The Holy Bible

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