The Pagan Origins of Christian Holidays
Matthew 15:9
9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
Man’s Holidays: False Worship… Idolatry
Ever wonder what bunnies, dyed eggs, and sun-rise services have to to do with Christ and his resurrection? The Bible and un-biased history reveals that “Easter” is an unholy custom with ancient pagan practices, celebrated before Christ died and rose from the grave.
Easter: A Pagan Festival, Not Holy
Easter: A Pagan Custom (Part 1)
Observe The Harvest Festivals Given By God…Not Man’s..
Discover the 3000 year old dark mythical history that was eventually mixed with the neo-pagan Roman Catholic Church which resulted in what is known today as Halloween.
Halloween Madness Among Our People/History of Halloween
Halloween Documentary
Discover the real story of “Christ-mass” and the hidden truth about this “Christian” holiday. This feature broadcast details the history of Christmas and the many cultural traditions surrounding the origins of this holiday, with a serious examination of their roots in paganism and connection with its practices. Find out why we decorate the Christmas tree, put lights and decorations up around our homes, the myths behind “Santa Claus” and his magical reindeer, and was December the 25th really Jesus Christ’s birthday?
Is Christmas Christian or Pagan..?
Text Lessons on Pagan Holidays:
Christmas: Should it be Celebrated or Rejected? You Decide!