Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

Lines & Precepts

Isaiah 28: 9-10

New World Order & Hidden Agendas


From Crete to Malta – 5 Part Series – Walter Veith

We are living in tumultuous times. In this 5-part series with Professor Walter Veith we look at the movements in the religious world that are seeking to downgrade Protestantism and merge it into one ecumenical body.

In this compelling series From Crete to Malta, we will investigate recent events to see how prophecy is being fulfilled before our very eyes. What do the recent events on the world stage mean in light of Biblical prophecy? Is Islam rearing its head yet again? Are we reading the prophecies correctly? Examine the Antichrist’s tactics to gain control of the world.

That All May Be One

In an age of religious tolerance and ecumenism, old hatchets are being buried. Churches are reuniting that have long been separated on questions of doctrine. Are these developments based on Scriptures’ conformity or humanitarian principles? Is truth sacrificed for the sake of unity? Are we moving to an era of peace the Bible warns against? This lecture also looks at the philosophies of some prominent preachers, such as Robert Schuller, Billy Graham, and others. Who leads this ecumenical movement and what is its goal?

Read the correlating PDF on UNITY here.


The New World Order- Secret Societies and Biblical Prophecy

Learn more about the history of the new world order as it pertains to modern times and what’s going on in the news today. From kabalists, to gnostics, knights templars, rosicrucians, jesuits, freemasonry right down to the illuminati people speak of today.



A New World Order

This DVD explains the emergence of a new world order and its purpose, with all its political and socio-economic ramifications. The intrigues behind the setting up of a universal order dictating to the conscience of humanity are clearly exposed.



The New Age Agenda

This lecture describes the ways in which various so-called Christian societies have manipulated the spiritual scene to prepare the way for the coming of a cosmic Christ who satisfies the needs of all religions. The Christian Science Movement, Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and the New Age are exposed. We also take a look at the maitreya and his anti-Biblical doctrines and the manifestations of false christs in our world today. Does the New Age just affect an esoteric fringe or is it a living reality in the educational system of the world, re-shaping & remodeling the mind-set of those even of the traditional Christian faith? Includes a look at Jesuitism and the New Age Movement, Benjamin Crème, as well as NASA.


Hidden Agendas

This presentation exposes the philosophy behind secret societies. It unequivocally proves from the best sources that the deity of the Bible. Study the evidence for yourself and prove whether these things are indeed so.


The Secret Behind Secret Societies 

Amazing Discoveries lecturer, Professor Walter Veith vividly explains the exoteric agenda of secret societies and exposes the spiritual implications of such an agenda.

Read the correlating PDF on Secret Societies here.



The UN & the Occult Agenda 

In this video, the hidden agenda of the UN is clearly exposed. From its inception to its ultimate goal, the creation of a global religio-political system will have far-reaching consequences for every individual on Earth and possible catastrophic consequences for those who trust in salvation in Christ alone.This presentation includes a look at Robert Mueller’s school and philosophy, and how the cosmic christ and the United Nations go together.

Read the correlating PDF on the UN and Occult Agenda here.



Behind the Scenes

This presentation looks at history and current world events. What constitutes the new world order? How does the UN fit in to the new world order’s plans? How is the new world order coming into existence? A look at the new education system, the new economic order, the new world religion, and future action plans on the horizon.


Revolutions, Tyrants, & Wars

Revolutions, Tyrants & Wars need finance and support in order to succeed. Who is behind the major conflagrations which have plagued mankind particularly during the last centuries. Are sinister forces working behind the scenes to achieve their Hegelian synthesis and to bring about a new order of things? Some highlights discussed are the revolutions of the previous century, culminating in the rise of the USA, the Kennedy assassination, and the setting up of the new world order.



ETHOS Documentary will show you how to make meaningful and sustainable change in order to create a world where we can live harmoniously in a clean environment. Hosted by twice Oscar nominated actor Woody Harrelson, Ethos explores the mechanisms in our systems that work against democracy, the environment and our own personal liberty.



What is the Agenda of the U.N.?

The New Age Movement


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