Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

Lines & Precepts

Isaiah 28: 9-10

Biblical Archaeology

DURING his excavations at Babylon (1879-1882) Hormuzd Rassam, a Chaldean Christian from Mosul who had assisted Layard at the excavation of Nineveh, uncovered a baked clay barrel about nine inches long. This turned out to be the famous inscription known as the Cyrus Cylinder, which tells the king's own story of his conquest of Babylon. The cuneiform text impressed on the clay cylinder tells of Marduk seeking a righteous man, then pronouncing Cyrus as the one destined to rule the world; it records how Babylon was taken without a battle; how Cyrus was welcomed by the people; and then by royal edict the captives were released and permitted to return to their own lands and restore their sanctuaries.
The Cyrus Cylinder is a clay cylinder inscribed in Akkadian cuneiform script with an account made by the famous king Cyrus of Persia (559-530 BC). ] It records how Babylon was taken without a battle; how Cyrus was welcomed by the people; and then by royal edict the captives were released and permitted to return to their own lands and restore their sanctuaries. Much of what we read on the cylinder can be correlated with the Bible, particularly with Isaiah 44:24-28; 45:1 -6,13. And what makes this remarkable parallel so incredible is that the words of Isaiah were written more than one hundred years before Cyrus was born.


A Nation’s Footprints in History: Retracing the Steps of Israel

Brother Elisha skillfully uses the witness of Biblical prophecy and the unbiased evidence of hard archeology to trace the thread of Israel’s history, revealing their identity, global migrations, and periods of captivity.

Teacher: Brother Elisha J. Israel
Church:The HouseHold of Faith

The Exodus Decoded

The Exodus. The very word invokes an epic tale of Pharaohs and Israelites, plagues and miracles, the splitting of the sea, the drowning of an army, Moses and revelation. The story is at the very heart of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

100% Archaeological proof of the Bible found in Israel!!!!

Dr. Don Patton shows how much of the history in the Bible is corraborated by archaeological finds.

A spade Unearths the Truth

This video takes us on a fascinating walk through the ages. Archaeological evidence in support of Scripture is presented tracing evidence for the long-disputed stories of the Exodus and the existence of long-forgotten cities and archaeological finds such as the Ebla tablets.

The exciting witness of Bible Archaeology

This video takes a look at the amazing archeological finds and how they prove that God’s word is accurate and reliable. God’s word is sure and can be trusted more than any other book in the world.

The Exodus and the Red Sea Crossing – Part 1

Ron Wyatt shows you the very spot where Moses and the Children of Israel crossed the Red Sea at the Gulf of Aqaba fleeing Pharaoh’s army. He leads you to the very blackened peak of Mt. Sinai in Saudi Arabia!


Amazing Discoveries

Can the Bible be trusted to provide answers to our questions? Does it contain truth? Learn about the archeological evidence that proves the Bible’s authenticity.

Answers In Genesis

Does Archaeology Support the Bible?

All About The Journey (Biblical Archaeology)

“Randall Niles was the definitive skeptic, critic, and cynic. Forged in the fires of Georgetown, Oxford, and Berkeley, Randall’s peers knew him as a “practicing atheist.” Then, in what seemed to be overnight, people witnessed a dramatic shift in his life. Go on a journey with Randall as he poses questions, explores assumptions, and challenges his long-held preconceptions about life, purpose, and meaning.”

Bible and Archaeology – Online Museum

Fifty items in approximate chronological order, oldest artifacts first.

The Dead Sea Scrolls

The Dead Sea Scrolls have been called the greatest manuscript discovery of modern times. They were discovered between 1947 and 1956 in eleven caves along the northwest shore of the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea Scrolls are comprised of the remains of approximately 825 to 870 separate scrolls, represented by tens of thousands of fragments.  Fragments of every book of the Old Testament (Hebrew canon) have been discovered, except for the book of Esther. Now identified among the scrolls are 19 fragments of Isaiah, 25 fragments of Deuteronomy and 30 fragments of the Psalms. The virtually intact Isaiah Scroll, which contains some of the most dramatic Messianic prophecy, is 1,000 years older than any previously known copy of Isaiah.

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