The Priests of God
Many people pontificate about the “chosen people” of the Bible. However, the majority of the world, including mainstream Christians are ignorant to the fact that God’s chosen people were commissioned to be a Holy Nation of priests to all the sons of Adam throughout every generation (even despite their breaking of God’s covenant). This is why every book of the Bible was written by an Israelite, every prophet in the Bible was an Israelite, the 12 disciples were Israelites, and the entire early Church began with Israelites. Furthermore, this is why Paul, an Israelite was commissioned to be an apostle to the Gentiles (Europeans). It was with grave significance that Jesus informed us in John 4:22 that “Salvation is of the Jews”.
Teacher: Brother Buie
Church: The Israel of God
Lesson Notes: Black History Part 4 – The Priests of God
Our History, Not His Story
The Bible declares that the chosen priests of God – Israelites would be blessed among all nations for obedience but punished severely if they disobeying God. The narrative reveals that the Israelites disobeyed God continually. As a result and as promised, a divine set of curses was pronounced on them including the worst slavery imaginable. The summation of these curses only fits one group of people on the planet as they are to serve as a sign of identification. This lesson is an in-depth bible study that makes it very clear to identify the biblical Israelites. Jesus will gather his people Israel as well as all believers of different nationalities at his second coming.
Teacher: Brother Buie
Church: The Israel of God
Lesson Notes: Black History Part 2 – Slavery
Identifying the Captives of Israel according to The Bible
The unique condition of slavery, continual oppression, poverty, sickness and lost of identity and homeland that plagues the so called “Negro” in the Americas, Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia and elsewhere, is actually a divine curse from God that has been foretold and identifies them as the children of Israel.
Teacher: Brother Marlon
Church: The Church of Israel
Lesson Notes: Identifying the Captives of Israel (PowerPoint)
Identifying the Captives of Israel (Scriptures + References)
The True Israelites: The Scattering and Gathering
The original Jews of the Bible were prophesied to be scattered throughout the world in captivity until the second coming of Jesus (Deuteronomy 30:1-5, Luke 21:24). This lesson is an expose of the various captivities of the Israelites, from 8th Century B.C. Assyrian captivity to the Trans-Atlantic slave trade
Teacher: Brother Daniel
Church: House of Jacob
The Jew First… (Then) The Gentile
There are over 40,000 denominations under the banner of Christianity. However, according to the Bible there is only one faith, one Lord, and one baptism. The true and only church of God started with the children of Israel in the wilderness (Acts 7:38). As the Apostle Peter lets us know, God instructed for His church to be holy by keeping His laws, statutes, and commandments. The early church was formed by Jesus and the other Israelites. Seeing that the children of Israel are God’s chosen priests, the N.T. reveals that the early church taught the other nations how to get salvation by believing on Jesus and being holy. However, today without Biblical substantiation, the criteria for being holy (the holy law) has been “done away” with by the Roman Catholic Church and her sub-denominations (Baptist, Methodist, SDA, etc). This is not surprising because the Bible does not state that “salvation is of Rome”. Rather, Jesus proclaimed that, “Salvation is of the Jews”. Knowing where salvation comes from leads us to understand why Paul sated “The Jew First.. Then The Gentile”. All nations must follow the doctrine that God gave to his chosen priests if they want salvation.
Teacher: Brother Elijah
Church: Israel, The Church of Jesus
Lesson: The Jew First… (Then) The Gentile
Israelites in Spirit
Salvation is certainly of the Jews. So if anyone from anywhere wants to be apart of God’s church, they must cleave to God’s people, Israel. However, knowing that you are a physical Israelite is not a one way ticket into the Kingdom of God. Some extreme Hebrew Israelite sects purport that God will only SAVE the physical Israelites (portraying a “physical”/ carnal mentality). Such statements are asinine because God requires a deep and radical spiritual transformation through obedience to His Word in order to receive salvation. Simply put, being a TRUE ISRAELITE starts in the MIND by obeying the laws and principles that God gave to his church in the beginning. We thus, need to remember to deny the flesh and carnal ways of thinking and be RENEWED through God’s Word in our HEARTS/MIND.
Teacher: Brother Elijah
Church: Israel, The Church of Jesus
Israel’s Identity stolen by Esau
After you come into the knowledge of the identity of the true Israelites, who are a black people that have been scattered into captivity and cursed by God, you may be wondering who are the people in Israel claiming to be Jews. This is why Jesus warned, this thorough interdisciplinary presentation reveals who the true Israelites are according to the Bible and who are the people inhabiting the promise land at this time and until the Lord returns.
Teacher: Brother Marlon
Church: The Church of Israel
Lesson Notes: Israel Identity Stolen By Esau
North East Africa: The Hidden Truth
The Hidden Identity of Blacks In The Bible
Falasha (Stranger) – Exile of the Black Jews (aka Beta Israel)
The Awakening of The True Israelites in Africa
The Israel of God’s Black History Series Text Lessons:
Black History Part 2 – Slavery
Black History Part 3 – Spiritual Death Resurrection
Black History Part 4 – The Priests of God
Black History Part 5 – The Adoption
Israelite Heritage
A website fully dedicated to revealing who the true Israelites according to biblical descriptions and conditions:
Images of the True Israelites
Hard Archeology reveals the description of the biblical Israelites: